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What to do with mold on your food?

We all know moldy spots on the food. But what do you do about it? Trim the infected areas, throw everything away, or keep eating? The answers to the most pressing questions are below.

How dangerous is mold?

Small amounts of mold do not necessarily have to lead to complaints. However, larger amounts and frequent ingestion must be avoided at all costs. Some types of mold can form mycotoxins. Even small amounts of these toxic substances can be harmful to health and cause vomiting, diarrhea, further damage to the skin and mucous membranes, impairment of the immune and nervous system, and damage to the liver and kidneys. Chronic consequences can even be cancer and genetic damage. The consequences depend on the type of toxins, the amount ingested, and the health of the person.

Can you cut away moldy spots on bread?

No, if there are mold spots on the loaf or on individual slices, the entire bread should be thrown away. Mold can spread quickly in bread, even if you cannot see it. Important: Do not store bread in a plastic bag, as moisture quickly forms here. It is best to store it in a paper sack from the baker or in a bread box. Clean it once a week: first, remove the crumbs, then wipe the box with vinegar water. For longer shelf life, you can cut bread into slices immediately after buying it and freeze it.


Grain and flour should also be stored in a cool, dry place and shaken from time to time. Throw away moldy grains or muesli right away.

Can heat kill mycotoxins?

No, they are heat-resistant and are usually not destroyed during food processing and by high temperatures such as cooking, baking, or frying. Even acidification, drying, or freezing cannot remove them, according to the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office.

Can you skim off mold from yogurt and jam?

No, the entire glass or mug should be thrown away. The more liquid foods are, the faster mold can spread. Moldy foods such as jam, juice, milk, yogurt, quark, or fruit should therefore always be thrown away immediately.

Why does injured fruit go moldy faster than healthy fruit?

Fungal spores, tiny germ cells of mold in the air, get into the fruit particularly easily through injured peel or skin, and thanks to good conditions for fungi can deposit, multiply and spread there. Therefore, buy fruit as fresh as possible and enjoy it without bruises or injuries. Moldy fruit should never be eaten. Cutting away is not enough, as mold can also spread invisibly. Moldy fruits are also not suitable for making compote, fruit juice, or jam.

How does mold get into food?

Mold can get into food in the field, during storage, transport, processing, or even at home. The fungi not only grow on the surface but can penetrate deep into the product and distribute themselves in it. In the case of a so-called “carry over”, long mycotoxins from the feed of farm animals even find their way directly into animal food and are deposited in the meat and in the organs. Milk and eggs can also be affected.

What about mold on cheese and sausage?

Some molds are used deliberately and in a controlled manner in the manufacture of food. Examples are air-dried sausages or cheeses such as Camembert and Roquefort. These cultures are not harmful. Other moldy sausages and cheese should definitely be thrown away, with the exception of parmesan and air-dried whole sausages (such as salami) with a small, superficial mold. Due to the high salt content and the small amount of water, mold cannot spread here as quickly. That’s why you just cut away the affected areas. In case of doubt, however, you should refrain from consuming the food. And mold-ripened cheeses should not be stored together with other types of cheeses.

How can you prevent mold?

Groceries should be bought fresh and consumed quickly. Store the food at home in a clean, cool, and dry place and pay attention to hygiene in the kitchen and refrigerator. Dispose of moldy food immediately.

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